New and Exciting things happening at RiverRun Sighthounds!!
October 8, 2011 -- Peyton wins a 3pt Major at the AKC lure course in Dayton, OH! He is now FC Silkenswift's The Star Quarterback.
October 4th, 2011 -- Puppies arrived! Lotus whelped a beautiful litter of 10 Borzoi pups: 6 Males & 4 Females.
August 15, 2011 -- Fiona comes home from Luvakis Kennels in NY.
August 15, 2011 -- Carina wins Winners Bitch again in Racine, WI, leaving her only needing a 3-point Major to finish her AKC Championship title.
Click here for BCOA Aristocrat for photos and details about the 2011 BCOA National Specialty.
(See pages: 25-Carina, 39- Lotus, Peyton, Bruno & Kristen, 42- Peyton, 43- Peyton)
August 13, 2011 -- Carina wins Winners Bitch for a 4-point Major at the BCOA supported show in Racine, WI.
August 2011 -- Lotus visiting Oxota Kennels in NM for breeding to Py.
April 8, 2011 -- Carina wins 3rd place in the Open Bitch class at the BCOA National Specialty in Lawrence, KC.
April 5, 2011 -- Lotus and Peyton earned their AKC CGC titles at the BCOA National Specialty in Lawrence, KC.
April 3, 2011 -- Peyton wins BOB at the ASFA lure trial during the BCOA National Specialty in Lawrence, KS.
March 27, 2011 -- Peyton wins a 5-point Major at his first AKC lure coursing trial.
March 13, 2011 -- Peyton goes to his first ASFA lure trial and comes home with a first place and 12 points towards his Field Champion title.
February 26, 2011-- Carina is WB/Best of Winners for 2 points under judge Betty-Anne Stenmark at the International Kennel Club of Chicago.
February 24, 2011 -- Carina is WB for one point.
February 19, 2011 -- It's the start of a new racing season, and the RiverRun kids started off with a trip to Saint Louis MO, for a day of LGRA racing with St. Louis Area Sighthounds. Merlin finished the day in 1st place, Lotus in 2nd, and Peyton in 3rd. This was Peyton's first official race meet, and he did great!
February 13, 2011 -- Carina travels to Indianapolis, IN where she goes WB for 2 points!
September 26, 2010 -- Lotus and Carina compete again at GCWC. Lotus is 2nd for 1 National point, and Carina is 5th for another 0.5 point.
September 25, 2010 -- Lotus, Merlin and Carina compete in the Greater Chicago Whippet Club LGRA meet. Merlin is 1st for 3 National points and Lotus is 3rd for 0.25 National points! Carina is 6th, but still earns 0.5 point toward her Gazehound Racing title!
August 28/29, 2010 -- Lotus goes with Jamie Bobrowski to the LARK LGRA meet. She finishes in the points both days, and is now a Gazehound Racing Champion!
July 18, 2010 -- Lotus finishes in 2nd place at the Circle City Rag Racers LGRA meet. She earned 3 more points towards her GRC title.
June 20, 2010 -- Lotus finishes in 3rd place at the Greater Chicago Whippet Club LGRA meet. She earned 2 more points, and is now half way to finishing her GRC.
June 19, 2010 -- Lotus finishes in 2nd place at the Greater Chicago Whippet Club LGRA meet. She earned 2 points towards her Gazehound Racing Champion (GRC) title.
June 19, 2010 -- Merlin finishes in 4th place at the Greater Chicago Whippet Club LGRA meet. He earned 0.25 points towards his Superior Gazehound Racing Champion (SGRC) title.
May 16, 2010 -- Merlin finishes in 5th place at the Borzoi Club of America National Specialty LGRA trial.
May 1, 2010 -- Carina goes Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex at the Champaign Kennel Club Show in Decatur, IL. She now has 2 show ring points in very limited showing! Check out her page for her win picture and the picture with her littermate Orion who was Best of Breed.