Finnish Show Champion,
Finnish Junior Winner 2012, Finnish Winner 2012
C.I.B.P., AKC CH, RU Ch, SE Ch, EE Ch, FI Ch & LCCh, Fi JW-12, Fi W-12
RiverRun Oxota Royal Blackbird Avalon
Maggie is owned by Minna Saarikko and lives in Finland with her and 3 Silkenwind hounds. I am very excited to have such a gorgeous girl go overseas. We have very high hopes for this girl and Minna cannot wait to get her in the ring. Maggie attended to her first Finnish Winner show and took Best of Breed! She won the CAC and two titles: Finnish Junior Winner 2012 and Finnish Winner 2012. There were over 30 borzoi and the competition was tough Huge congrats to Maggie and Minna!!!!
Maggie had a great lure coursing debut in Finland, going 1st of 13 bitches for a CAC & CACIB!! Maggie was also 2nd of 25 borzoi at eh Finish Borzoi Club's lure course. She is showing that she is not just a pretty face but a good runner too!!
The Finnish Borzoi Club (FBC) has an annual trophy to a borzoi who has been placed highest in the FBC specialty and the FBC's LC trial. Maggie was Best Bitch 2 in our specialty (over 60 bitches) and 2nd on a FBC's LC trial last weekend (25 borzoi). The Finnish Borzoi Club's Beautiful Racer 2013 is Maggie!!!
Maggie has since won her fourth CAC at 22 months, and her sixth just 2 days after her 2nd birthday to finish her Finnish CH!
Maggie become a Finnish Dual Champion on 7/27/14. She was 1st in borzoi bitches at the International JyväsCoursing and won her 5th and last CAC for the Field Champion (LC Champion in Finland) title and second Cacil. Huge congrats to Minna and all of her success with Maggie.
Maggie finished her Estonian Championship on 8/23/14 and the next day Maggie went BOB for her 4th CACIB and then Group 4!
Maggie finished her Swedish Championship on 10/11/14.
Maggie came to the US for BCOA Nationals and is staying with us to get her AKC Ch and get to do some running. Maggie was 2nd in a large open class at Nationals. She has 10pts and both her majors in the ring in just 7 shows and 1pt and 1SC leg toward her FC. She was WB 9/13/15 for 2pts so is up to 12pts in the ring. Maggie finished her American AKC CH in style going BOB/WB over 3 specials 10/25/15.
Maggie had a great lure coursing debut in Finland, going 1st of 13 bitches for a CAC & CACIB!! Maggie was also 2nd of 25 borzoi at eh Finish Borzoi Club's lure course. She is showing that she is not just a pretty face but a good runner too!!
The Finnish Borzoi Club (FBC) has an annual trophy to a borzoi who has been placed highest in the FBC specialty and the FBC's LC trial. Maggie was Best Bitch 2 in our specialty (over 60 bitches) and 2nd on a FBC's LC trial last weekend (25 borzoi). The Finnish Borzoi Club's Beautiful Racer 2013 is Maggie!!!
Maggie has since won her fourth CAC at 22 months, and her sixth just 2 days after her 2nd birthday to finish her Finnish CH!
Maggie become a Finnish Dual Champion on 7/27/14. She was 1st in borzoi bitches at the International JyväsCoursing and won her 5th and last CAC for the Field Champion (LC Champion in Finland) title and second Cacil. Huge congrats to Minna and all of her success with Maggie.
Maggie finished her Estonian Championship on 8/23/14 and the next day Maggie went BOB for her 4th CACIB and then Group 4!
Maggie finished her Swedish Championship on 10/11/14.
Maggie came to the US for BCOA Nationals and is staying with us to get her AKC Ch and get to do some running. Maggie was 2nd in a large open class at Nationals. She has 10pts and both her majors in the ring in just 7 shows and 1pt and 1SC leg toward her FC. She was WB 9/13/15 for 2pts so is up to 12pts in the ring. Maggie finished her American AKC CH in style going BOB/WB over 3 specials 10/25/15.